Friday, July 24, 2015

Sign the Petition!


We Must Live Under the Rule of Law!

Hello Stoughton Citizens!
I have created a new petition site to for you to sign and comment as a supporter of the Stoughton Forward lawsuit against the city of Stoughton.  It demands the city follow the TIF law and re-start the approval process.
WE WILL TURN IN A PAPER COPY TO THE COUNCIL AT THE TUES. COUNCIL MEETING.  At this meeting the pro-KPW folks will be down one due to Hohol finally resigning for the council.  What will happen now I wonder?
Please sign the petition to the mayor and alders at this site.
Please write your views in the comments section of the petition.  All who log on to the site will be able to read them.
We need plaintiffs and money as stated in the last email.
We have asked the Yahara River Grocery Coop to become plaintiffs in the lawsuits twice:  Once earlier when we thought we could do a suit.  Now recently for this lawsuit.
The Coop Board refuses to invite us to discuss the suit and makes its decisions based upon what they know.  This is a grave mistake in my opinion.  If the SuperCenter is built, we may find a vacant storefront in the years ahead.
Their response:

Dear Mr. Davis: 
The Yahara River Grocery Cooperative Board of Directors considered the request to join in Stoughton Forward's legal action against the city of Stoughton and determined unanimously not to join the lawsuit as an organization.  
The main reason for this decision is that the YRGC bylaws state in Principle 1 (Section I: Purpose — 1.1 Mission Statement) that its membership include and welcome everyone, no matter of each member’s gender, social status, race, political inclination, or religion – or any viewpoint whatsoever. 
There are over 1,200 members of the YRGC ownership family, some who may very much agree with Stoughton Forward’s initiative to sue the City of Stoughton and others who very much agree with the city’s actions regarding the KPW/TIF issue. It was strongly felt that those who do agree with Stoughton Forward on this issue and want to support the lawsuit have the freedom to sign on as co-plaintiffs individually. .
YRGC very much appreciates your support as a member-owner of the Co-op and we wish you the very best.
The YRGC Board of Directors

The SF law suit is not a beauty contest asking a judge to decide who looks the nicest.  It is about following the rule of law in America.
You have a chance to stand up for the rule of law right here in little old Stoughton.
If we cannot try to uphold the law in our community we may be doomed.
At the national level the special interests are far stronger than here in Stoton.  The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are illegal.  They were illegal for Bush and they are illegal for Obama.  Many speak out to try to uphold the rule of law but are drowned out or ignored by the media and our "paid" politicians.
Can YOU stand up for the rule of law in Stoughton home town?  Sign here:
Buzz Davis

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