Thursday, July 23, 2015


Hello SF email group!
We have only made it this far because we have stuck together, educated each other on the massive amount of details of the KPW effort, donated to what needs to be done and done all the work we have tried to do.
We have been one of the most successful citizen efforts in the USA in fighting back against ill concieved developerment and corporate welfare under the guise of TIF.  As you know CA and AZ have already outlawed TIF because it is run-away-subsidies to pvt. developers - the rich get richer.  But as you can see the media is part of the problem.  They do not care or know their owners will not like stories about communities fighting back against developement, thus no stories.  Thus the greater public in Stougton is just a bit less ignorant on what is going on here than the public in Oregon and Evansville which may lose their Bill's and PiggleWiggley grocery stores to the WalMart money vacume.
So can YOU help some more this week?
1.  We need more plaintiffs!
2.  We need to do another round of envelope on the door of each business asking them to stand up for their community and themselves and become a plaintiff!
3.  We need to raise more money for the court suit!
4.  We need to do thank you letters to all our Stoton Fwd. and Vote YES donators and ask them for some more money (Yoli and Lois have volunteered.)!
5.  We probably need a town hall meeting to outline the court suit, do a press conference before that meeting, etc.
6.  We could do a press conference at the KPW site so the media would have us standing on the hill on the road just south of Hwy. 138.  We need some alders and citizens to speak.
7.  We need to do - what else can you dream up???
This week we MUST get more plaintiffs and we need business plaintiffs most of all.  Now is your time to help.  The questionnaire you need to give to the business person is attached.  He/she fills that out and sends it to me or Dennis G. via email.
Below is the letter to the editor that will probably be in the HUB this Thurs.
Attached is a longer copy that I will use as a basis of the press release I will hopefully draft and send out late tonight if all goes well.  I need some comments for the press release regarding city actions, our law suit, following the law, whatever you wish to say. 
Please just write up a sentence or five or so and send it to me and I will work it in.  I believe alders CANNOT be part of the suit but it is permissible for them to write why they voted as they did, etc.  Note we told all the alders in a letter from our attorney what was "wrong" with what the city was doing.  That letter/email is attached.
We have raised $4,300 towards the law suit.  I sent Dennis G. $4,200 for our client trust acct. at this firm to go toward paying our legal costs for phase one of the lawsuit - which is getting all the documents to the court. 
Roger Thompson served the summons on the city, the developer and WalMart on Friday.  So that is all done.  Defendants have 45 days to respond.
Dennis G. asked for a temporary injunction of all KPW actions until the judge can decide the case.  The defendants' lawyers will try to prove that all the plaintiffs have NO LEGAL STANDING TO MAKE A COMPLAINT TO THE COURT. 
WalMart will have a fleet of $500 per hr. lawyers at the hearing requesting the injunction and they will be attempting to confuse the judge into dismissing the complaint.
Thus we need business people who have a direct loss facing them to be plaintiffs.  I can not do this alone.  We need YOU to help us get some businesspersons as plaintiffs.  All this work we have done of the last two years hinges on this lawsuit.
The questionnaire for you to discuss with your business friend is attached.
IF THEY (the WalMart and other lawyers) knock us off as plaintiffs, the case is done - regardless of whether the laws are violated or not.
I will send the Coop's response to you all next - stunning as it is.

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