Wednesday, June 24, 2015

BUZZ TO OLSON: Is Walmart's non-profit foundation making donations to the City of Stoughton?

Sent: 6/24/2015 10:42:30 A.M. Central Daylight Time

Subj: Has the SFDept or other city departments received Donations from WalMart?
To:  Mayor Olson
Fr:  Buzz Davis, Treas., Stoughton Forward, 239-5354
I have recently heard rumors that the Stoughton Fire Department has received donations from the WalMart foundation.
Would you please confirm or deny and if confirmed explain the donation when and the amount.
Have any other departments received donations from WM and if so pls. explain.

Thank you!


Sent: 6/24/2015 3:12:38 P.M. Central Daylight Time

Good Afternoon,

I have confirmed with Chief Wegner that the Fire Department has not recently received donations from the WalMart foundation. It is however, common for WalMart to donate water for the Fire, EMS and Police departments during emergency situations. 
I have asked our Finance Department to identify donations from the WalMart foundation within the last 5 years. They are as follows:
9-15-14         $1,000          Safety Camp
9-8-14           $1,000          Arts Council
4-1-13           $1,000          Safety Camp
8-16-12         $2,500          K-9 Donations
11-17-11       $1,400          Food Pantry
10-21-11       $2,000          Safety Camp
Total Donations $8,900
Please let me know if you need any additional information.

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